Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - Completed Dish
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Brussels Sprouts Chinese Sausage Stirfry (抱子甘蓝炒广式香肠)

 Preparation: 15 minutes | Cook: 10 minutes  5 ingredients  stirfry
December 10, 2022 Jump to Recipe Print

My family eats a good amount of Brussels sprouts, even though the vegetable is not common to Asian cuisine. It’s definitely gained some popularity, however, in recent years even in Asian countries, likely due to its unique look and highly beneficial vitamins and nutrients. I’ve definitely used it more and more in my own cooking, which tries to be health-conscious for the family and kids.

I had some Brussels sprouts leftover after making Thanksgiving dinner, during which I roasted the Brussels sprouts. I roast them quite often when I make Western meals for my family. Because I had some left over, I used them in this stirfry with Chinese sausage.

Like other vegetables in the cabbage group, Brussels sprouts have a bitter taste. In my view, it has one of the strongest bitter tastes, which can definitely take some getting used to. Once you get used to it, however, Brussels sprouts make a great addition to your dinner table, even for an Asian dinner.

This recipe chops the Brussels sprouts into smaller pieces. This helps to speed up the stirfry time. It also eliminates any over or under cooking which can often happen when roasting Brussels sprouts, unless they are all the same size.

I usually cook Brussels sprouts with Chinese sausage, which helps to mask the bitter taste. This is because Chinese sausage has a little bit of a sweet taste to it. This stirfry goes particularly well with just plain rice (which you can just cook in a pot). If you have leftover rice, you can also just add it to the stirfry to make a wonderfully delicious fried rice.

Gluten Free, Low Carb

Preparation Time:  15 minutes

Total Time:  25 minutes

Servings: 2 – 4 people


Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - Ingredients


  1. Remove the ends and any spoiled or yellow outer leaves from the Brussels sprouts. Rinse the Brussels sprouts thoroughly. Slice each Brussels sprout first into 3 or 4 round slices, then stack a few slices together and cut the Brussels sprouts again into thinner strips.
Brussels sprouts
Chopping Brussels Sprouts
Chopping Brussels Sprouts
Chopping Brussels Sprouts
Chopping Brussels Sprouts
Chopping Brussels Sprouts
Chopped Brussels Sprouts
  1. Cut 2 Chinese sausages first into halves lengthwise. Then align all four strips together and chop into small pieces.
Chopping Chinese Sausage
Chopping Chinese Sausage
Chopping Chinese Sausage
  1. Heat a wok or well seasoned skillet under medium-high heat. When the wok is getting hot, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, swirling the oil around a bit. Add the chopped Brussels sprouts to the wok, stirring and tossing immediately. Add 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt to the Brussels sprouts and keep tossing for another minute.
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
  1. Lower the heat to medium-low and add the chopped Chinese sausages, stirring and tossing. Cover the wok with a lid for 5 minutes. Uncover after 5 minutes and add 1 teaspoon of sugar, stirring and tossing for another 1 minute. This will result in a few charred leaves. If you do not want any charred leaves, add 1/4 cup water and stir a bit before covering the lid. Transfer to a plate and enjoy!
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying
Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - stirfrying

Bon Appétit

Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - Completed Dish

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Related Articles: (Filed under: Brussels sprouts | gluten free | simple | stirfry)

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    JDC wrote:

    This is a good recipe because the sugar and the sweetness of the Chinese sausage offset the strong cabbage taste of the brussels sprouts. I know brussels sprouts are not a typical Chinese vegetable, but I bet a lot of other Chinese cooking techniques for cabbage would also work like Sichuan with black vinegar, chilis, and Sichuan peppercorns. Maybe doubanjiang & Chinese bacon too.

    AsianCookingMom wrote:

    Great analysis! The contrast is definitely one of the things my husband likes about this dish.