simple or quick recipes | Asian Cooking Mom

Stewing Hen Tea Tree Mushroom Soup

Stewing Hen Tea Tree Mushroom Soup

This is a wonderfully easy-to-make soup that uses stewing hens and tea tree leaves. It’s very soothing. Try it!

Published: April 22, 2023

Quick and Easy Pork Floss Breakfast Sandwich - Completed

Pork Floss Breakfast Sandwich – Quick and Easy

This under 10 minute breakfast sandwich is great as a kid’s lunch or convenient breakfast!

Published: February 11, 2023

Stewing Hen Soup - Completed Dish

Stewing Hen Soup (老母鸡煲汤)

If you are under the weather, try this stewing hen soup to sooth your sinus. It takes some patience but it’s easy to make. You can rest in bed while waiting for the soup to get ready.

Published: December 17, 2022

Brussels Sprout Chinese Sausage Stirfry - Completed Dish

Brussels Sprouts Chinese Sausage Stirfry (抱子甘蓝炒广式香肠)

Brussels sprouts are not too common in Asian cuisine but they taste great in this quick and easy stirfry!

Published: December 10, 2022

Improvised sweet sesame pancakces - completed dish

Improvised Sweet Sesame Pancakes

These quick and easy improvised sesame pancakes are a sweet addition to my homemade snacks. They go really well with coffee!

Published: October 01, 2022

Eggplant Braised Noodles - Completed Dish

Eggplant Braised Noodles (茄子焖面 Qie Zi Men Mian)

Quick one-bowl noodle dish. Try these eggplant braised noodles if you’re short on time!

Published: September 10, 2022